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GENESIS | Genetic Research & Digital Visualization in the Performing Arts
Usages du prosopeion dans les représentations de la tragédie grecque du XXe siècle
Eleni Papalexiou, "Usages du prosopeion dans les représentations de la tragédie grecque du XXe siècle", in Le Masque scénique dans l'Antiquité, Giulia Filacanapa & Guy Freixe et Brigitte Le Guen (eds), Montpellier: Editions Deuxième Epoque, 2022, 322-336.
Despite the fact that the mask always retained a powerful potential for expression and remains a challenge to be met by many theatre directors, it has become on the contrary one of the main difficulties of the staging of ancient Greek drama. Following this observation, it was therefore deemed necessary to examine not only the reasons for its use, but also the causes of its marginalization.
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