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GENESIS | Genetic Research & Digital Visualization in the Performing Arts
Sur les traces de l’Orestie (une comédie organique ?) de Romeo Castellucci: De sa conception (1995) à sa reprise (2015)
Eleni Papalexiou & Avra Xepapadakou (2023). «Sur les traces de l’Orestie (une comédie organique ?) de Romeo Castellucci: De sa conception (1995) à sa reprise (2015)», Parcours de génétique théâtrale: brouillons, variations et transpositions, Sophie Lucet & Ana-Clara Santos (eds), Paris : Le Manuscrit, 99-128.
This paper explores the creative process of the Oresteia (an organic comedy?), a groundbreaking theatrical production created/directed by Romeo Castellucci in 1995 and 2015. In the paper, a genetic methodology of performance analysis is applied through the thorough study of a plethora of primary sources and the constitution of the detailed "genetic file" of the production.
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