GENESIS | Genetic Research & Digital Visualization in the Performing Arts
Rhythm as the ultimate technical characteristic of performance in the work of Claudia Castellucci
Sophia Niaounaki (2024), Rhythm as the ultimate technical characteristic of performance in the work of Claudia Castellucci, MA Thesis, Dept of Theatre Studies-University of the Peloponnese & The Genesis Project.
Sur les traces de l’Orestie (une comédie organique ?) de Romeo Castellucci: De sa conception (1995) à sa reprise (2015)
Eleni Papalexiou & Avra Xepapadakou (2023). «Sur les traces de l’Orestie (une comédie organique ?) de Romeo Castellucci: De sa conception (1995) à sa reprise (2015)», Parcours de génétique théâtrale: brouillons, variations et transpositions, Sophie Lucet & Ana-Clara Santos (eds), Paris : Le Manuscrit, 99-128.
Metamorphoses of Medea on the Contemporary Stage
Eleni Papalexiou, ‘Metamorphoses of Medea on the Contemporary Stage’, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Ancient Greek Drama: The Divine and the Polis in Euripides, A. Markantonatos, B. Georgopoulou & D. Kosmopoulou (eds), Athens: Hellenic Cultural Foundation, 2023, 203-222.
Usages du prosopeion dans les représentations de la tragédie grecque du XXe siècle
Eleni Papalexiou, "Usages du prosopeion dans les représentations de la tragédie grecque du XXe siècle", in Le Masque scénique dans l'Antiquité, Giulia Filacanapa & Guy Freixe et Brigitte Le Guen (eds), Montpellier: Editions Deuxième Epoque, 2022, 322-336.
Towards a Model of Digital Narration of the Creative Process of Performance
Eleni Papalexiou, "Towards a Model of Digital Narration of the Creative Process of Performance", European Journal of Theatre and Performance, 2, May 2020, 378-423.
Due to the multiformity of creative processes involved in the performing arts, genetic research must possess the necessary means for the documentation, collection, and management of an enormous amount of information produced during all the stages of creation.